

[交通]     2018-09-12




官方鏈接: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/languages/using-an-interpreter-or-translator

If your licence is in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. The translation is at your own cost. VicRoads only accepts translations completed by:   a NAATI accredited (any level) translator   an appropriate consulate in Australia   a valid and current International Driver Permit.  Note: An international driving permit is only valid if it:   complies with the UN convention for International Driving Permits, and   is issued by the country the overseas driver licence is issued in; and   is accompanied by a current overseas driver licence from the same country the permit was issued in. An International Driving Permit is only acceptable as a translation of a driver licence if it shows the first issue date of your overseas licence, licence number and expiry date of your licence. If this information is not displayed on the permit you must provide an acceptable translation as explained above.

悉尼所在的新南威爾士州的要求如下:持有英文翻譯件或者國際駕照。 When driving in NSW you must carry your overseas driver licence. Your licence must be written in English or, if the licence is not in English, you must either carry an English translation or an International Driving Permit.

官方鏈接: http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/licensing/visitorstonsw/overseaslicence.html


阿德萊德所在的南澳州要求如下: NAATI翻譯件或者是領事館、移民局的翻譯件。 Driver’s licence translations will only be accepted if they are:   an original document (photocopies, faxes and certified copies are not acceptable)   from a consulate office in Australia, signed by a consulate officer, and on official consulate letterhead, or   authorised by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). Translations are also acceptable if they have been provided either directly by or with the endorsement of the South Australian Government Interpreting and Translating Centre or interstate equivalent or the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

官方鏈接: http://www.sa.gov.au/topics/transport-travel-and-motoring/motoring/interstate-and-international-motorists/motorists-from-overseas/driving-with-an-overseas-licence

黃金海岸和大堡礁所在的昆士蘭州要求如下:需經認可的翻譯件。關於“認可”,官方給出的是NAATI。 If your licence is in a language other than English, you should carry a recognised English translation of it when you are driving. You should show this translation to police when you have to show your driver licence.

官方鏈接: http://www.qld.gov.au/transport/licensing/driver-licensing/overseas/driving/index.html

塔斯馬尼亞州要求如下: 需持有正式的翻譯件或者國際駕照。 if your licence is NOT in English, you must also carry either an official translation of your licence OR a current International Driving Permit

官方鏈接: http://www.transport.tas.gov.au/licence_information/transferring_an_overseas_licence


官方鏈接: http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/20668.asp

需持有國際駕照或者認可的翻譯件。關於“認可”,官方解釋是領事館或者NAATI叁級或以上翻譯員翻譯。 If your overseas licence is not in English, you must carry an International Driving Permit or an approved English translation of your licence (if you have either of these) with you when you drive. 見:http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/mediaFiles/licensing/LBU_DL_B_RideSafeAll.pdf 第46頁

Holders of non-English driver’s licences must produce an approved translation along with their current valid driver licence. Translations will only be accepted from:

the appropriate Consulate; or

accredited Translator, Advanced Translator or Advanced Translator (Senior) level translators approved by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).

Note: Faxes and photocopies of licence documents are NOT acceptable. (傳真和復印件不可用)


綜上所述,關於翻譯件,最穩妥的做法是: 持NAATI叁級或以上翻譯員的翻譯件。淘寶上NAATI翻譯駕照,80-100元。請自行到NAATI網站驗證譯員資格真假。



2、永居簽證(PR)持有者持海外駕照駕駛有另外的時限要求,不在本文討論範圍內。 另:新西蘭認可中國駕照的公證翻譯件,但不認可澳洲NAATI翻譯件。

官方鏈接: http://www.nzta.govt.nz/licence/residents-visitors/translators.html

關於兒童乘車使用安全座椅的規定參見; http://www.aoxintong.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=29386


注:以上轉載自澳新通, 僅作參考。 具體要求請登錄澳大利亞官方網站或向澳大利亞使領館查詢。

