
招募使用social/dating app (熱菈Rela or HER) 的在澳華人女性用戶


我是昆士蘭科技大學(QUT)傳播學院數字化媒體研究中心(Digital Media Research Centre)的在讀博士生。我的博士課題是“熱菈與HER:在澳中國酷兒女性使用約會app文化的現狀研究” (Rela and HER: A Study of Dating Application Cultures among Chinese Queer Women in Australia)。該課題已通過QUT倫理委員會的審核 (審核編號:1900000327)。具體來說,我的課題聚焦於探索不同的社會與文化語境(例如中國與澳大利亞的文化環境,尤其是在移民和跨文化適應的過程)是如何影響繼而塑造中國女性使用lesbian social/dating app的經歷的,以中國目前最受歡迎的lesbian social app熱菈 Rela)和西方文化語境下最受歡迎的lesbian dating app HER為例。


(a) 年齡在18週歲及以上

(b) 在中國 (中國大陸,香港,台灣,澳門)生活過,目前居住在澳大利亞(如國際學生目前在澳大利亞學習或已移民澳大利亞的定居者)

(c) 使用過兩個app熱菈(Rela)和HER中的任何一個




QUT 郵箱:[email protected]

WeChat: HarrietQ


Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is Haili Li, a PhD student from Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC), School of Communication, Queensland University of Technology (QUT). My PhD topic is 'Rela and HER: A Study of Dating Application Cultures among Chinese Queer Women in Australia', focusing on exploring how different social and cultural contexts (e.g. Chinese and Australian contexts) influence and shape Chinese women's experiences of using lesbian social/dating apps such as Rela and HER, especially during the acculturation process. This project has been approved by the QUT ethics research committee (QUT Ethics Approval Number 1900000327).

Now it is at the stage of data collection (participant recruitment) for my PhD project. As I will use the semi-structured in-depth interview to interview 30 users of Rela and/or HER, I would like to invite individuals who meet the following requirements to complete a 1 hour interview

(a) aged over 18

(b) Chinese women who have lived in China but currently living in Australia (e.g. Chinese international students who study in Australia, migrants)

(c) past or present users of Rela and/or HER

(d) district of origin in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Macau

If you are interested in my project, or want to know more about this project, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. The interview question list will be sent to you at least 3 days before your interview. The interview could be conducted with face-to-face method, and online method (e.g. audio chats through WeChat/ Skype/WhatsApp). You will also be reimbursed the public transportation fee, parking fee and will be sent the QUT earphones as a gift for your time contribution. All of your personal information and interview contents will be protected by the QUT ethics rules. No information will be leaked. 

If you know some friends around you who might also be interested in participating in the interview, could you please forward this information to them, or your social network?

Thank you very much! I am looking forward to your reply!

My contacts:

QUT email: [email protected]

WeChat: HarrietQ

Best wishes

