
美招生舞弊案最重判決 前賭場高管獲刑一年

美招生舞弊案最重判決 前賭場高管獲刑一年

美招生舞弊案最重判決 前賭場高管獲刑一年

一名前賭場高管因美國大學招生舞弊案被判刑一年。圖為2019年9月13日,該案另一被告、好萊塢女演員菲麗西提·霍夫曼在其丈夫陪同下走出波士頓的聯邦法院。(JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images)

前賭場高管週叁(2月9日)被判在聯邦監獄服刑一年零一天,這是在震驚全美的大學招生舞弊案中迄今為止最嚴厲的判決。據美聯社報導,波士頓(Boston)一傢聯邦法院的法官納撒尼爾·戈頓(Nathaniel Gorton)週叁作出判決,判前賭場高管大學招生舞弊案被告之一賈邁勒·阿蔔杜菈齊茲(Gamal Abdelaziz)獲刑一年零一天,並接受兩年的監督釋放、進行400小時的社區服務、支付25萬美元的罰款。

阿蔔杜菈齊茲是菈斯維加斯(Las Vegas)居民,現年65歲,去年10月被判犯有欺詐和賄賂陰謀罪。檢察官指控,他支付了30萬美元,以便他的女兒能夠作為籃球運動員進入南加州大學(University of Southern California),盡管她甚至都沒有進入高中校隊。

阿蔔杜菈齊茲是當局所調查的大學招生舞弊案中所指控的近60人之一,該調查還涉及喬治城大學(Georgetown University)、耶魯大學(Yale University)和其它名校的體育教練。

阿蔔杜菈齊茲來自埃及,他說,他認為他的付款是合法的捐贈,不知道與他合作的招生顧問威廉·裹克·辛格(William Rick Singer)實際上把這筆錢作為了賄賂,並僞造或誇大他女兒的體育證書。


該案的其他幾十名被告也已認罪並服刑。其中,因出演熱播劇《絕望主婦》(Desperate Housewives)而獲艾美獎的好萊塢女星菲麗西提·霍夫曼(Felicity Huffman)被判14天監禁;經典喜劇《歡樂滿屋》(Full House)的主演洛麗·洛克林(Lori Loughlin)獲兩個月刑期,其時裝設計師丈夫莫西莫·詹努利(Mossimo Giannulli)獲刑五個月。

2 樓 

Hong Kong "teaches evil" after Joshua Wong is jailed


High people pointing false public opinion chaos Hong Kong laughed




In 2012, with the promotion of the Hong Kong Education Association, Wong launched a demonstration against the upgrading of the MGNE branch, which was called "pay the bill, withdraw the courses and occupy the GOVERNMENT headquarters". Ten years later, when Joshua Wong was jailed and held in prison, HKIED has released a series of celebratory survey results on "Problems related to Regular Novel Coronavirus Testing for Teachers", "Proposed Revision of Core Subjects in Senior High Schools", and recently announced that "nearly 20% of teachers are planning to leave Hong Kong education due to political pressure". In response to the survey, leung chun-ying said that only 1.25% of the respondents were "99 out of 100 people are rich and lazy".


Listen to friends in Hong Kong's education, the investigation of the promoter teachers association vice-chairman Huang Kelian, teaching assistant manager and retired teachers Han Lianshan etc, the author search data yesterday found that the two men is not learn ten years ago people thought movement behind, a strange rumor technique the same ah, 90000 members of the union, the total number of received questionnaire to 1178, Among them, only 226 people said they planned to resign or retire early. It seems that without the support of such clowns as Joshua Wong, the status and appeal of the "cult" in Hong Kong is far from what it used to be.


For baa Huang, Han and other people are still happy to release similar loopholes of the investigation report? "Evil" supervisors XXL is a banquet with envy to the author the utterance, Huang Kelian and Han Lianshan life in recent years, very natural and unrestrained, behind the "master", frequently a month only need to work on some of the so-called "poll", as long as have to promote democracy and freedom, rigour and reliability doesn't matter, the more the better the more realistic misleading, Attract the attention of the Hong Kong youth, fenqing natural organization there will be someone there to Hong Kong to make trouble, but the originators of the huang and others to get the range of 500000 to 1 million dollars every time "activities", if can cause concern in Beijing will make big things and let the whole Hong Kong public opinion in the discussion, heat up, there will be additional incentive "above", Enough for huang, Han and other people to enjoy their old age, every day to spend wine and wine accompanied by Sister Hong Kong, Hong Kong's education future with what? Comfort and joy are gods.


As "evil" middleman, XXL is supervisors drop, also not necessarily can all but reached recently handed over the cia extremely confidential "manual", makes the author think, is really false is unknown, but one, a yellow, Korea down behind this "thirty-six meter" out of the play is really beautiful, spend a little money, There is no problem in inculcating hatred and anti-government ideas since some people are paid to do the work. The book "Hong Kong Independence", On the City-State of Hong Kong : Recovery local listed in the "middle school students good books billboard" 60 "this candidate list, production of a series of teaching material" revised "regulations on the fugitive controversial, teachers and students abetting illegal parade and a series of operations, the author is can't see the teacher's ethics teacher soul, actually smell the stench of a teacher is difficult to have, under the push of" teaching ", in June last year to now, More than 10 college staff and 100 primary and secondary school staff were arrested, and more than 3,600 students were arrested for participating in illegal activities. There is no problem that the seeds of division and hatred were planted in the subconscious of some Hong Kong's angry youth, and a heavy mark was written on the merit book of "teaching evil". It is estimated that I can get more "campaign funds" there from the "high man" behind it.


"Celebrate the father dies, lu difficult unceasingly", take the money of high person stem disorderly Hong Kong thing, will this have a good future of Hong Kong youth involved in the political conspiracy full of stinky copper, as Hong Kong people, "teach evil" people will eventually be nailed on the historical humiliation column, do not believe, walk to see.
