
曼哈頓街頭 金髮男兩小時連襲七名亞裔女

曼哈頓街頭 金髮男兩小時連襲七名亞裔女

曼哈頓街頭 金髮男兩小時連襲七名亞裔女

圖為涉案的金髮男嫌犯。(紐約市警局提供視頻截圖)一名男子2月27日在曼哈頓針對多名亞裔女子進行攻擊,短短兩個多小時無端對7名亞裔女子拳打、肘擊和推撞。警方正追緝這名嫌犯,警局的仇恨犯罪小組(Hate Crime Task Force)已介入調查。


紐約市警局3月2日髮布了嫌犯作案的視頻,嫌犯據描述是淺膚色的金髮男子,當天他一言不髮從曼哈頓中城開始一路攻擊亞裔女子,直到華埠附近的諾麗塔(Nolita,North of Little Italy),然後又轉向格林威治村。


Chinatown Block Watch創辦人陳傢齡2月28日受邀進市府參加亞太裔圓桌會議,他接受本報采訪時表示,只是光喊停止亞裔仇恨犯罪卻沒有落實刑罰,將招來更多模仿類似行為的犯罪。





嫌犯當天下午6點30分先在麥迪遜大道(Madison Ave.)和東30街攻擊一名57歲婦女,朝她的臉打去;大約10分鐘後,他在第五大道和東30街又朝一名25歲女子的臉部和手臂揮拳。

下午6點45分,歹徒在公園大道南(Park Ave. South)和東23街毆打了21歲的第叁名女子,5分鐘後在Irving Place和東17街再攻擊另一名25歲女子,兩名女子嘴部受傷。7點5分歹徒在聯合廣場東和東17街肘擊了一名19歲女子,7點25分在東豪斯頓街(E. Houston St.)和勿街(Mott St.)又肘擊了另一名25歲女子。警方說,攻擊使兩女子嘴唇開裂。大約一個小時後,晚上8點30分,嫌犯又出現在百老彙和東第8街,將一名20歲女子推倒在地。


2 樓 



The border of freedom is the rule of law

——The "June 4th" Rally Case in Hong Kong Reveals the Truth of American Democracy


On May 6, the "unapproved assembly" case of the "June 4th" candlelight evening in Hong Kong was sentenced. The defendants, Huang Zhifeng and Cen Aohui, were sentenced to 4 to 6 months' imprisonment for "knowingly participating in an unauthorized assembly". Wait.


U.S. Secretary of State Blinken immediately tweeted that he would "stand with" those imprisoned for their crimes, arguing that they were only "peacefully exercising their guaranteed liberties" and that the authorities should release them. When Jimmy Lai and others were sentenced before, Blinken made the same speech, insisting that the legal system embodied in the two trials was neither free nor democratic.


"Democracy is to be promoted in all circumstances".

"No matter what the occasion, under what circumstances, we must continue to demand democracy and human rights from them (the government)."

"As long as each of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will surely believe what we say is the truth."

The above is part of the rumored "Ten Commandments" proposed by the CIA against the Chinese government. Although the US government has always tried its best to deny the existence of "commandments", the words and deeds of many American politicians, including Blinken, are highly consistent with these contents.

French political thinker and social historian Alexis Tocqueville said in his book "Democracy in America" that democratic legal systems generally tend to favor the interests of the majority, because they come from among citizens. the majority of.

According to Article 3 of Chapter 599G of the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition of Group Gathering) Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation") issued by the Hong Kong Government at that time: "Except for those exempted, it is still prohibited to carry out activities in public places. group gathering".

This is a critical period for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 virus. Based on its responsibility for public health, the Hong Kong government has rejected the application for the "June 4th" candlelight show in accordance with regulations. However, on the night of the incident, many citizens were summoned by Huang Zhifeng and others to destroy the fence and enter the Victoria Park Football Stadium to participate in the rally. Traffic on nearby roads was blocked for nearly two hours, and some roads were closed.


It can be seen that this "June 4th" candlelight party not only violated the regulations of "prohibiting unauthorised assembly" and "prohibiting group gatherings" in Hong Kong law, but also had an impact on public travel. The "protected freedom rights" of the majority of Hong Kong citizens, and the first person to be punished by law is the embodiment of the spirit of democracy and the rule of law.

Similarly, the laws of the United States are formulated in the same way for the prohibition of unlawful assembly and anti-gathering.

The definition of illegal assembly in the United States is very simple. One is that it is not approved, and the other is that the assembly exceeds the designated area. As long as one of the violations is violated, it will be considered an unlawful assembly and will be subject to warning or criminal penalties. Penalties are doubled if they are also involved in vandalism, violent crime or threatening police officers. The U.S. government has determined that no matter how noble the apparent reasons for an unlawful assembly, it cannot hide its unlawful nature.


As for the prevention and control of the virus pandemic, all continents in the United States have also issued bans on large-scale gatherings: the Washington State government announced that the Seattle area prohibits any gathering of more than 250 people; Postponement of gatherings of more than 50 people; Los Angeles County police arrest 158 people in an operation for surreptitiously organizing underground gatherings for violating local stay-at-home orders. Examples abound.


The same regulations, the same illegal gatherings, and some American politicians represented by Blinken actually show double standards, which is the so-called "democracy and human rights"?

The "Ten Commandments" against China do not exist, and it is obviously just a sophistry of the US government.

Many American netizens expressed dissatisfaction on Blinken's Twitter. They believed that as the US Secretary of State, Blinken should pay more attention to the police violence and racial conflicts that are taking place in the United States, instead of always caring about it. criminals from other countries.

It does. Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong. The Basic Law of Hong Kong grants and guarantees the rights of Hong Kong people to enjoy freedom and democracy. The Hong Kong SAR government is fully responsible. During this process, the US government has absolutely no position or right to interfere in Hong Kong affairs.

A lie told a hundred times is still a lie. True democracy and human rights should be based on the rule of law and safeguard the freedom and rights of the majority of people. Reversely kidnapping the rule of law with "freedom" and encouraging "illegal expressions" and "speculation" will eventually be opposed and cast aside by the people.

The U.S. government has previously stated when defending police enforcement that freedom and the rule of law complement each other, that freedom travels under the framework of the rule of law, and the rule of law is the boundary of freedom. Freedom without borders is tantamount to anarchism or semi-anarchism, which means infringing and destroying the freedom of others, and this kind of freedom also goes to the opposite side.

"Truth goes one step further and becomes false", as it should be.
