
悉尼想學法語的朋友看這裹French lessons


- 叁年留法經歷,五年法語線上、線下教學經驗,熱愛與了解法國文化、風土人情

- 法國巴黎叁大(新索邦大學)對外法語教學碩士,法語DELF等級考試A1-B1考官,法語筆譯叁級認證

- 在法國與中國均有豐富的教學經驗,善於將法語運用於實際情景,讓學生感受到語言學習的樂趣


- 結合教材,為不同年齡、不同等級(A1-C2)的學生定制課程, 可從零基礎開始學習

- 從聽、說、讀、寫等方面入手,全面提升學生的法語水平

- 結合語言學習與文化教育,可根據學生的興趣設置文化課程,如法國文化、電影、法國葡萄酒知識等

- 針對學生的不同需求提供各類輔導考試

- 可一對一上課或小組上課

- 中文、法語授課皆可

Ps: 可提供中法口筆譯服務

想要了解更多關於法語課程的信息, 歡迎微信+61410365977或電話0410365977咨詢, Vous êtes les bienvenus !


I am a professional French teacher and studied in France for 3 years with 5 years online and offline teaching experience. 

I also acquired a Master of Foreign French Teaching, as well as French DELF test A1-B1 Examiner certificate. I got certified for French translation level III too.

I have experience teaching Beginners/ Intermediate/Advanced students, at all stages, who are keen to French.

I will design the courses based on your objectives and interests.

I have had many students and we achieved great improvements together.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested in French or French culture !

Wechat : +61410365977 Tel : 0410365977 

Vous êtes les bienvenus !
